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IBEW AT$T Bargaining Update #6 - Who Are You Today?

Bargaining resumed on Monday June 1st with AT&T at both the National and Local tables. Your Union teams made proposals on improvements to our WP Days and the Premise Technician ti...

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IBEW AT$T Bargaining Update #5 AT$T Lays A Floater

Bargaining Continued Friday May 29th with AT&T at both the National and Local tables. Your IBEW bargaining team reached tentative agreements on some minor items. However, ...

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AT$T "Legacy T" Bargaining Report # 40

We're sorry many of you had problems getting on the AT&T e-Meeting last night. You can watch it on The call covered the small amount of p...

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IBEW AT$T Bargaining Update #4 -NO Respect!

Your IBEW national and local bargaining teams met yesterday with AT&T in more negotiation sessions. AT&T passed an interesting proposal to make significant changes in the language ...

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Our current contract with AT&T expires in 31 days. AT&T National bargaining resumed on Wednesday May 27th: Ron Kastner, President/Business Manager and Chairman of the...

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-IBEW AT$T Bargaining Update #2 - It's Your Fault!

In response to our union's health care presentation, AT&T gave their views on health care. The company's presentation was not a formal proposal, but rather an overview on the curr...

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AT$T "Legacy T" Bargaining Report #39

Over 40 Legacy T Locals were on a call last night, during which VP Ralph Maly described the current state of bargaining and mobilization plans for the coming weeks. He made it cle...

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IBEW - AT&T Bargaining Update #1 *Correction*

The following IBEW-AT&T Bargaining Update #1 states that during today's negotiations our union bargaining team passed a historic health care proposal to AT&T management. Our bargai...

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AT$T "Legacy T" Bargaining Report #38

There have not been any "formal" bargaining sessions so far this week. The Committee has continued to meet with the Company in subcommittees in an attempt to get some movement on ...

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IBEW Opens Negotiations With AT$T!

The International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) opened negotiations with AT&T on Monday, May 18, 2009, aiming to get a fair and equitable contract with the nations large...

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CWA National - News from the Front Lines

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