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IBEW 21 Update #36 -AT$T's Shifty Scheduling Proposal

CWA Local 4250 Members & Retirees are urged to join our brothers and sisters at IBEW Local 21 picket locations EVERY Wednesday. Remember, they are fighting against the same concess...

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AT$T "Legacy T" Bargaining Report #55

The Legacy T Team finally had another bargaining session with AT&T today. Despite some serious movement by our team, the Company did not offer even one thing in job security in re...

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CWA Legacy T Mobilization Update

With virtually no movement at the Legacy T bargaining table, It's time to take more serious actions against AT&T. As you have seen, there has been only one bargaining report posted...

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A NEED FOR CHANGE IN 2009 AT$T Bargaining

Does 1986 remind you of today? In 1986, CWA lost its ability to negotiate contracts at a National table because of the breakup of AT$T through divestiture in 1984. During the tim...

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IBEW 21 AT$T Bargaining Update #35 -AT$T Wants It All

Negotiations have been continuing with AT&T but they once again are moving at a snails pace. We are very disappointed by AT&T's complete disregard for their employees and for the ...

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CWA Local 4250 "Special Membership Meeting" Saturday, August 1, 2009 * HIGH-NOON * OUTDOORS * 3055 Glenwood-Dyer Road Lynwood, Illinois 60411 (Off-Street Parking In Front of Building)

The purpose of the meeting is to explain the CWA District 4 - AT$T Midwest "Tentative Contract Agreement" reached on July 15, 2009 and to conduct a "Ratification Vote" of all CWA L...

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CWA District 1 AT$T East Bargaining Update

Download complete report in PDF format. One more example of how AT$T is succeeding in their strategy to divide and conquer the CWA AT$T Bargaining Units due to a failure of CWA's N...

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IBEW 21 AT$T Bargaining Update #34 - AT$T Earnings and Solidarity Actions Exceed Expectations - Over 150 Members Suspended By AT$T Management

AT&T Exceeds Wall Streets Expectations: Earlier today, AT&T announced their 2009 second quarter results, and it should be clearly noted that earnings were better than had be...

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AT$T "Legacy T" Bargaining Report # 54

Right now, the Legacy T Union and the Company bargaining teams are not meeting. The Company continues its demands for exorbitant cost shifting while refusing to address our real c...

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A "Special Membership Meeting" will be held on Saturday, August 1, 2009 at HIGH NOON. The location will be announced as soon as possible. The purpose of this 'Speci...

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CWA National - News from the Front Lines

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