Union Contracts
2015 - 2018 CWA T&T/AT&T Corp. Legacy T Contract
The Company and the Union agree that the 2015 Memorandum of Agreement is, unless a different effective date is set forth in a particular item, effective on April 12, 2015, but only if it is ratified by the Union membership employed in the Business Operating Units and Divisions listed in Appendix 3 to the 2015 Agreement and in the bargaining unit covered by this Agreement. This Memorandum of Agreement shall terminate, unless extended by mutual agreement, at 11:59 PM on Saturday, April 12, 2018.
2015 - 2018 CWA T&T/AT&T Corp. Legacy T Appendix 5
Download copy of 2015 - 2018 Legacy T Appendix 5
2015 - 2018 CWA District 4/AT$T Corp. Midwest Contract
This Memorandum of Agreement shall terminate, unless extended by mutual agreement, at 11:59 PM on Saturday, April 14, 2018.
2016-2019 National Internet Contract CWA/AT&T Services Inc.
Effective July 24, 2016 Expiration Date July 20, 2019
2015-2018 Communications Workers of America and Procom Security, Inc.
This agreement shall be effective January 11, 2015 and shall continue until 11:59PM on January 13, 2018
2013-2017 IBEW Local 21/AT&T Midwest & National Agreements
Agreements Between AT&T Midwest & AT&T National and International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers System Council T-3 with Appendices between SBC Global Services, Inc. and International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local Unions 21, 58, 134 and 494. Agreement effective June 23, 2013 through June 24, 2017.
CTU#16/CWA 14408 PPMWS CWA and Alliance Printers & Publshers, Inc. (Editorial Department)
Editorial Department Amendment And Extension of Agreement For The Term January 1, 2014 To And Through December 31, 2015
CTU#16/CWA 14408 PPMWS CWA and Alliance Printers & Publshers, Inc. (Composing Room)
Composing Room Amendment And Extension of Agreement For The Term January 1, 2014 To And Through December 31, 2015
CTU#16/CWA 14408 PPMWS CWA and Alliance Printers & Publshers, Inc. (Editorial Department)
Chicago Typographical Union NO. 16/CWA 14408 PPMWS Communications Workers of America And Alliance Printers & Publishers Inc. Editorial Department January 1, 2007 through December 31, 2009
AGREEMENT between COMMUNICATIONS WORKERS OF AMERICA Local 4250 / Chicago Typographical No. 16 and Hoosier Printing Company, 8208 Calumet Ave. Munster IN. 46321
This Agreement shall be effective ___March 1, 2016____________________ until ________February 28, 2017_____________________________________________ .
AGREEMENT between COMMUNICATIONS WORKERS OF AMERICA Local 4250 / Chicago Typographical NO. 16 and D&L Printing, Inc. 19759 Westminster Drive, Mokena, IL 60448.
This Agreement shall be effective 04/01/2016 until 03/31/2018 .
AGREEMENT between COMMUNICATIONS WORKERS OF AMERICA Local 4250 / Chicago Typographical NO. 16 and Central Printers & Graphics, Inc. 6109 West 63rd Street, Chicago, Illinois 60638
This Agreement shall be effective February 1, 2015 until January 31, 2016.
AGREEMENT Between COMMUNICATIONS WORKERS OF AMERICA Local 4250 / Chicago Typographical NO. 16 and Polpress, Inc. 5566 N. Northwest Hwy. Chicago, IL 60630
This Agreement shall be effective December 1, 2015 until November 30,2016
AGREEMENT Between COMMUNICATIONS WORKERS OF AMERICA Local 4250 / Chicago Typographical NO. 16 and Central Printers & Graphics, Inc. 6109 West 63rd Street Chicago, Illinois 60638
This Agreement shall be effective 02/01/2016 until 01/31/2017
AGREEMENT between COMMUNICATIONS WORKERS OF AMERICA Local 4250 / Chicago Typographical NO. 16 and Alliance Printing 1785 Courtland Court – Unit E Addison, Illinois 60101
This Agreement Shall Be Effective March 1, 2016 Until February 28, 2017.
AGREEMENT between COMMUNICATIONS WORKERS OF AMERICA Local 4250 / Chicago Typographical NO. 16 And Minuteman Press Chicago 1249 N. Clybour Avenue, Chicago, IL 60610
This Agreement Shall Be Effective February 1, 2016 Until January 31, 2017.
Agreement Between COMMUNICATIONS WORKERS OF AMERICA Local 4250 / Chicago Typographical NO. 16 and Salsedo Press, Inc 3139 W. Chicago Ave. Chicago, IL 60622
This Agreement shall be effective 3/26/2016 until 3/26/18 . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be duly executed this18th day of April 2016. FOR Communications Workers of America Local 4250 / Chicago Typographical Union 16 Elizabeth VanDerWoude President FOR Salsedo Press, Inc. Owner Signatures on file
CWA National - News from the Front Lines