News and Views
The Gift America Needs Most: Manufacturing!
"Happy Holidays, America! The gift this country needs most this holiday season is an economy built on a solid foundation, one that will provide middle class, family-supporti...
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FREE Consultations From The Hanson McClain Retirement Network!
CWA and IBEW union member affected by the recent AT$T Midwest Christmas Season SURPLUS and/or office closing announcement or the Legacy T VTP offer may call Tony Albertino at 630-3...
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CWA Local 1298 Fights for 258 Days to Keep AT$T Jobs in Connecticut - District 1 Stands Alone against AT$T!
As Connecticut consumers continue to spend their fair share at AT$T buying AT$T products and services AT$T continues to slash jobs in this state. CWA Local 1298 is doing everythin...
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AT$T to Fire Over 1,000 CWA Union Represented Employees In Bell South States (CWA District 3)
District 3 CWA members haven't had an opportunity to ratify their "tentative agreement" with AT$T and over 1,000 will be fired by "SCROOGE" Randall Stephenson, AT$T CEO. Download a...
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CLOSING 10 S Canal Street, Chicago DA - Announced By AT$T On Wednesday, December 16, 2009
On September 15, 2009, AT$T announced the closing of the Harvey, Illinois OA office with a Force Disposition Date of December 28, 2009. Twenty-Four (24) Local 4250 members were aff...
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Merry Christmas From AT$T' Randall Stephenson: AT$T To Fire Over 700 Union Members in AT$T Midwest Area!
In addition to the closing of the 10 S Canal AT$T Directory Assistance (DA) office in Chicago (above), AT$T has also made a Christmas Season SURPLUS announcement of their intent t...
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CWA District 4 AT$T Midwest Surplus Announcement I&M
Enclosed please find the surplus for MW Core I&M. Overall, MW Core I&M will be reducing their CSS/ST force by 537, the breakdown by state is noted below. The new contract procedure...
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CWA C&T AT$T Legacy T VTP Offer
Legacy T announced a VTP offer across the country. Locally there is an offer for 8 Comm Techs in the BK business unit. This does not include grandfathered NTS as they are in a diff...
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CWA D3 AT$T Southeast Final Bargaining Report
Download CWA District 3 Final Bargaining Report in PDF format. My Congratulations to the District 3 Bargaining Team for hanging tough and not agreeing to AT$T's regressive Premise...
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CWA D3 Reaches Tentative Agreement With AT$T
CWA District 3 reached a tentative agreement with AT&T covering about 35,000 CWA-represented workers at AT&T Southeast. The agreement covers workers at AT&T (formerly BellSo...
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