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CWA C&T/AT$T Legacy T VTP Notification!

Download letter of VTP notification from Diane Bradley, AT$T Asst. Vice President Labor Relations, and list of job titles, work locations and CAP information in PDF format....

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CWA & Sockville Team Up To "SOCK" Pediatric AIDS!

The award-winning children's DVD, "Sockville . . . A New Pair of Socks," is now available for purchase at the special price of $9.99. Most important, three dollars from the purcha...

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Barack Obama Meets Coffins of Soldiers Killed in Afghanistan

The total of 55 US troops killed in Afghanistan this month have made it the deadliest month in the eight-year war. The US military has endured a brutal few months, testing the nati...

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Greedy Bankers Hear from Chicago Local 4250 CWAers, 5,000 Other Protesters

Joining more than 5,000 other protesters in the streets of downtown Chicago, CWA members demonstrated against banks and financial institutions that are fighting financial reforms w...

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CWA C&T AT$T Legacy T -Annual Enrollment - Benefits

There will be two enrollments over the next 5 months for active (occupational) employees at Legacy T. The active employees will have Annual Enrollment this fall for Benefits effec...

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CWA District 6 Reaches Tentative Agreement at AT$T Southwest

CWA District 6 and AT&T have reached a tentative four-year agreement covering 27,000 CWA-represented workers at AT&T Southwest. The tentative agreement provides for wage increases ...

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Six-Member Union Stalls Deal For Sun-Times Media Group

When a bankruptcy judge in Delaware approved Chicago financier Jim Tyree's $26.5 million bid to save Sun-Times Media Group Inc. from extinction last week, Steve Berman and the six ...

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AT$T Office Closures: Midwest, Southwest & West!

AT$T is in the process of migrating the Operator Services OA traffic to the "Freedom Platform." This process has resulted in several offices CLOSURES! Below are the announcements ...

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AT$T "Legacy T" Contract Ratified

The Contract between CWA and AT&T Legacy T has been ratified by a strong 2 to 1 majority. Our appreciation goes out to the Bargaining team and all the members who mobilized so hard...

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CWA AT$T Legacy T Contract Ratified

The Contract between CWA and AT&T Legacy T has been ratified by a strong 2 to 1 majority. Our appreciation goes out to the Bargaining team and all the members who mobilized ...

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CWA National - News from the Front Lines

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