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Stop Oil Speculation!!

Federal regulators should stop thumbing their noses at a year-old law and enforce limits on excessive speculation in oil markets, Sen. Bernie Sanders said on Tuesday. He urged the ...

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CWA and IBEW Verizon Members Return To Work

Following is a statement by the Communications Workers of America and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers: For release 1 p.m., Saturday, Aug. 20, 201...

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CWA Local 4250/Local 4250 RMC Unity Picnic!

All CWA Local 4250 & CWA Local 4250 Retired Members' Chapter members and families are invited to our Unity Picnic on Saturday, September 24, 2011 from 1:00PM 'til 8:00PM. Food, bev...

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HISTORIC PULLMAN / CHICAGO 111th and Cottage Grove Avenue Monday, September 5, 2011 2 pm till 5 pm Exhibits, Presentatio...

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Tell Verizon: Stop Attacking The Middle Class

45,000 Verizon workers are now on strike to stop the attack on the middle class. The reason? Despite record profits, Verizon is refusing to bargain and is demanding that its...

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Remarks By Retiring Secretary-Treasurer Jeff Rechenbach At The 73rd CWA Convention

"You know how at the holidays, someone gives you a gift and you didn?t buy anything for them, well you scramble and find something you already had in the closet and wrap it up quic...

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73rd CWA Convention Delegates Elect Annie Hill as Secretary-Treasurer; 3rd Term for Larry Cohen

CWA President Larry Cohen was elected to a third term in office by delegates to the 73rd CWA Convention last week, and Annie Hill, formerly the union's executive vice president, wa...

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Why the Republican War on Workers Rights Undermines the American Economy

The battle has resumed in Wisconsin. The state supreme court has allowed Governor Scott Walker to strip bargaining rights from state workers. Meanwhile, legislators in New H...

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America For Sale: Is Goldman Sachs Buying Your City?

In Chicago, it's the sale of parking meters to the sovereign wealth fund of Abu Dhabi. In Indiana, it's the sale of the northern toll road to a Spanish and Australian joint venture...

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CWA National - News from the Front Lines

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