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Pipeline Inspector-Turned Whistleblower - Calls Keystone XL a Potential "Disaster"

Mike Klink: ?Let?s be clear ? I am an engineer; I am not telling you we shouldn?t build pipelines. We just should not build this one.? Mike Klink is a former inspector for Bechtel,...

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2012- CWA/AT$T Members/Retirees Fighting For The American Dream

So many Americans are having their dreams crushed by corporations that place greed over the interests of their workers. We can not let that happen at AT&T. CWA members/retirees at ...

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2011's Last Viral Lie About Health Reform

BY: Linda Bergthold.Health Policy Consultant Posted: 12/29/11 10:11 PM ET. "When so many good things have happened as the result of health care reform, I hate to end this ye...

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Seventy-Five Years Ago Today, The First Occupy

On this day, December 30th, in 1936 -- 75 years ago today -- hundreds of workers at the General Motors factories in Flint, Michigan, took over the facilities and occupied them for ...

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Eight Ways the Health Care Law Helps You

By: Kathleen Sebelius on December 28, 2011 at 12:06 PM EST.(Kathleen Sebelius is the Secretary of Health and Human Services) As we ring in the New Year, we also want to take...

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Middle-Class Areas Shrink As Income Gap Grows

The portion of American families living in middle-income neighborhoods has declined significantly since 1970, according to a new study, as rising income inequality left a growing s...

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AT$T Ends Bid For T-Mobile, Takes $4 Billion Penalty

AT&T said Monday it has ended its bid to purchase T-Mobile and will pay $4 billion as a penalty for not completing its deal. The decision puts an end to a rocky nine-month quest by...

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Crippling The Right To Organize! By: William B. Gould IV

"UNLESS something changes in Washington, American workers will, on New Year?s Day, effectively lose their right to be represented by a union. Two of the five seats on the National ...

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AT$T Offers SIPP To IBEW Local 21 Members

A general SIPP is being offered by AT&T management to employees working in the ABS and GNFO organizations. A surplus has NOT been declared. The off payroll date for this SIPP wil...

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AT$T Legacy T Surplus/VTP Declaration

AT$T Assistant Vice President Diane Bradley notified CWA C&T Vice President Ralph Maly of the following AT$T Surplus and VTP declarations....

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CWA National - News from the Front Lines

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