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Line of Scrimmage Forms Over Union Bill

INDIANAPOLIS ? This city is in full preen for its moment in the spotlight, its first Super Bowl. Everywhere, workers sprouted from cherry pickers over the weekend, hanging football...

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NABET-CWA/NBCU NEGOTIATIONS - "Tentative Agreement Reached" BULLETIN #31

The NABET-CWA Network Negotiating Committee has reached a tentative agreement with NBC Universal on a new contract to replace the Master Agreement which expired on March 31, 2009. ...

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CWA Local 4250 Solidarity Star Reward 1 Star:We?ve Made The Difference at AT&T. We Will Make The Difference in 2012! This month we celebrate Mart...

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AT$T Starts Off 2012 With Job Cuts

January 6, 2012- AT&T announced today it plans to further reduce headcount by eliminating jobs held by members of IBEW Local Union 21. These jobs cuts result from AT&T?s 2011 deci...

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President Obama Appoints 3 To NLRB

After making an end run around Senate Republicans to fill the top job at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau on Wednesday, President Barack Obama ran the same play again a few...

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Pipeline Inspector-Turned Whistleblower - Calls Keystone XL a Potential "Disaster"

Mike Klink: ?Let?s be clear ? I am an engineer; I am not telling you we shouldn?t build pipelines. We just should not build this one.? Mike Klink is a former inspector for Bechtel,...

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2012- CWA/AT$T Members/Retirees Fighting For The American Dream

So many Americans are having their dreams crushed by corporations that place greed over the interests of their workers. We can not let that happen at AT&T. CWA members/retirees at ...

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2011's Last Viral Lie About Health Reform

BY: Linda Bergthold.Health Policy Consultant Posted: 12/29/11 10:11 PM ET. "When so many good things have happened as the result of health care reform, I hate to end this ye...

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Seventy-Five Years Ago Today, The First Occupy

On this day, December 30th, in 1936 -- 75 years ago today -- hundreds of workers at the General Motors factories in Flint, Michigan, took over the facilities and occupied them for ...

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Eight Ways the Health Care Law Helps You

By: Kathleen Sebelius on December 28, 2011 at 12:06 PM EST.(Kathleen Sebelius is the Secretary of Health and Human Services) As we ring in the New Year, we also want to take...

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