Annual Retiree Membership Dues for 2023
You are invited to join or rejoin our Chapter. Annual dues are still $12.00 for the Calendar year January 1, through December 31, 2023. Members in good standing will receive information from the CWA National Retired Members Council, our local Chapter via email or regular US Mail. Access to our website, CWAlocal4250.org, the Illinois Alliance of Retired Americans newsletter, as well as information from our District and National, on Social Security, Medicare and Healthcare and other information affecting our members around the country. Feel free to call our office at (708) 757-4065 with any questions.
We wish you and your families a Happy, Healthy, and Safe Year.
Anese Nutall, President RMC
Rita Godwin, Secretary-Treasurer RMC
Sylvia Chapman, President, CWA Local 4250/CTU #16