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Chicago Typographical Union 16

Zoom Call June 5, 2024

AT&T Pension Town Hall Meeting 7pm CT

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2024 Retiree Annual Dues Reminder

Calling on all Retirees!!!

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AT&T Retirees affected by transition of Annuity Payments

Very Important, please read the information below.

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In Celebration of Women's History Month

CWA Human Rights Department Virtual Event on Tuesday March 21, at 6pm CDT

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Annual Dues Reminder

Thank you for your continued support!!

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CWA Volunteer Day At the Chicago Food Depository

Please Help Chicago Area Citizens Facing Food Insecurity

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Annual Retiree Membership Dues for 2023

CWA Local 4250 RMC Members

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Veterans Day

Thank you for your Service.

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Your Vote Matters

CWA District 4 Leaders are Reminding you and your family to vote!!

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CWA National - News from the Front Lines

Typographical Union Label