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IBEW - AT&T Bargaining Update #1 *Correction*

The following IBEW-AT&T Bargaining Update #1 states that during today's negotiations our union bargaining team passed a historic health care proposal to AT&T management. Our bargaining team made an in-depth presentation that outlined ways to proactively address the issue of rising health care costs while we maintain our current benefits levels. This was not an actual proposal. We apologize for the error in communications. The original report is as follows:

Leadership of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers and AT&T management made history today as they opened national bargaining for the first time is 25 years. AT&T is the largest telecommunication provider in the world. IBEW Chairman and Local 21 President-Business Manager Ron Kastner, System Council T-3 Chairman Peter Pusateri, and IBEW Telecommunications Department Director Martha Pultar opened today's session with a strong statement expressing the union's desire to share in the 13 billion dollar profits AT&T made last year. Our leadershi

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