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AT$T Pittsburg Center Closing Moving To Missouri!

Employees learned about the decision Thursday. Their last day tentatively is April 21, said Ameenah Salaam, spokeswoman for District 13 of the Communications Workers of America, wh...

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Permanent Bases Point Toward Permanent War!

In Mr. Bush's "State 0f The Union" address, he claimed that "US forces will be drawn down as Iraqi forces stand up." [1] However, this claim is flatly contradicted by the Pentagon'...

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AT$T Closing Fairhaven & Moving Work To Texas!

Ms. Xavier said she is typical of most of the soon-to-be-laid-off employees: "I make a good union wage and I have good benefits. I make $20.45 an hour and I'm worth every penny of ...

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Download speeches by CWA VP Ralph Maly and CWA Bargain ing Team Member Phil Pennington at the annual Avaya shareholders meeting on February 10, 2006. ...

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Post-Merger AT$T Continues To Fire Union Workers!

The new AT&T is acting a lot like the old Ma Bell -- downsizing its work force. The company yesterday confirmed a round of job reductions is occurring as a result of the acquisitio...

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VP Cheney Authorized Leak of Classified Information!

Vice President Dick Cheney's former chief of staff, I. Lewis (Scooter) Libby, testified to a federal grand jury that he had been "authorized" by Cheney and other White House "super...

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2006-2007 Robert Johnson Memorial Scholarship Fund

The Robert D. Johnson Memorial Scholarship Fund, administered by the Cleveland Foundation, is now accepting applications for the 2006-2007 academic year. Applications must be post...

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Is AT$T a Conduit in U S Wiretapping??

EFF claims that the US government did not act alone and is not acting alone, and that it requires the collaboration of major telecom companies such as AT&T to implement its illegal...

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U.S. Union Workforce Remains Steady in 2005!

The percentage of union members in the U.S. work force held steady last year, at least temporarily halting years of steady decline, according to figures released by the Bureau of L...

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More Companies Ending Promises for Retirement!

Pension advocates said they were dismayed that rich and powerful companies like I.B.M. and Verizon would abandon traditional pensions. "With Verizon, we're talking about a company ...

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CWA National - News from the Front Lines

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