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11 Companies Rewarding Failure!

Over the past five years, 11 CEOs have been rewarded with a total compensation of $865 million, while their companies lost a total of $640 billion in shareholder value. Yikes. This...

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IBEW & CWA Unity At Avaya Bargaining Table!

Enclosed, is a joint letter from Bob Morrison, Vice-Chairman IBEW SCT-3, and Ralph Maly, Vice President CWA-C&T, in regards to upcoming bargaining with Avaya, Inc. The letter is se...

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AT$T Wiretap Whistleblower's Statement!

Former AT&T technician Mark Klein has come forward to support the EFF's lawsuit against AT&T for its alleged complicity in the NSA's electronic surveillance. Here, Wired News publi...

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AT$T Provided Access to Phone Traffic for NSA

A former AT&T Inc. technician who has provided evidence in a lawsuit against the company over a U.S. domestic-spying program said the government was given access to AT&T customers'...

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Download PDF flyer for more information with e-mail links to at$t SBC/Midwest management decision makers....

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Alcatel and Lucent Technologies To Merge

Paris and Murray Hill, N.J., April 2, 2006 ? Alcatel (Paris: CGEP.PA, NYSE: ALA) and Lucent Technologies (NYSE: LU) today announced that they have entered into a definitive...

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AT$T To Keep Jobs In Pittsburgh And New Castle!

Marge Krueger, regional director of Communications Workers of America, said: ?Without Governor Rendell?s leadership this would not have happened. He is someone who understands the...

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March 29, 1973, The Last U.S.Troops Left S. Vietnam

"When the first big American fighting units began arriving in South Vietnam in 1965, there was a standard explanation for the United States presence. "We've come here to stop the s...

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Pennsylvania Governor Rendell Letter To AT$T!

The attached letter is from PA Gov. Rendell about the AT$T Pittsburg office closing. This letter was made possible by the work of CWA District 13 and local staff and various other ...

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CWA-IUE Working on Delphi Attrition Plan!

The UAW, GM and Delphi have reached an agreement on an attrition plan for UAW Delphi and GM plants. It is important to note that the CWA-IUE has not agreed to an attrition plan yet...

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CWA National - News from the Front Lines

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