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at$t Legacy T Members: ATS Job Requisitions

As an interim solution, the C&T office will be providing this service by posting ATS job requisitions on our website. The requisitions will be in exactly the same format as they w...

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AT$T: New FMLA , LOA and Job Accommodations Process Changes

These changes will affect all pre-merger AT&T non-management employees in the United States, Puerto Rico, Guam and the US Virgin Island. Download attached PDF file for more informa...

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AT$T Completes BellSouth Takeover After 4-0 FCC Vote!

"AT&T completed its $86 billion purchase of BellSouth Corp. after federal regulators cleared the way for the U.S. telephone industry's biggest takeover ever. The 4-0 vote today by ...

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AT$T Compromise May Get Merger Approved!

"AT&T filed a letter of commitment with the agency Thursday night that adds a number of new conditions to the deal, including a promise to observe "network neutrality" principles, ...

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Bush Must Be Comfortable, as 7 More Troops Die!

White House deputy press secretary Scott Stanzel told reporters on Tuesday: "He's wanting to make sure that we give all consideration to all the options. ... Coalition forces in Ir...

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2007 Changes to Legacy T- AT$T Benefit Plans!

Included, you will find a summary of changes made to the AT&T Benefit Plans as a result of 2005 bargaining, as well as changes to Plan administration. Please review the informatio...

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AT$T: Employee Referral Incentive Plan (ERIC) Stipulation and Letter

"Attached is a copy of the ERIC Stipulation we have agreed to, and a letter which we have sent to Steve Leonard at AT&T as part of our agreement asking for commitment that any Unio...

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IBEW Local 21 Premises Technician Agreement Provides Employment Security!

In Breaking News, after several months of negotiations, IBEW Local 21 and AT&T reached a comprehensive Memorandum of Agreement on the new Premises Technician job title. The agreeme...

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Update On at$t Inc. and Bell South Merger!

"Federal Communications Commission Chairman Kevin J. Martin said yesterday he did not know how soon it would consider AT&T's proposed $86 billion acquisition of BellSouth after the...

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The Wheels of Justice Move Slowly, But Surely!

IT IS HEREBY ORDERED: "that this cause is hereby dismissed, in its entirety, with prejudice, including, without limitation, each claim, counter-claim, defense, and affirmative defe...

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