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Reminder- Local 4250 General Membership Meeting!

This is a reminder that there will be a Local 4250 General Membership Meeting on Wednesday, October 24, 2007. A VOTE on proposed changes to Local 4250 By-Laws will be conducted at ...

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Open Enrollment - AT$T (Legacy T)Members & Retirees

Download the attached information (PDF Format) regarding Legacy T Open Enrollment which was put together by Kim Wilburn, CWA Healthcare Coordinator. Kim is a excellent resource fo...

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UAW Members Voting To Reject Chrysler Agreement

"the UAW has agreed to massive concessions, including the imposition of a two-tier wage system that will slash the pay of new hires to just $14 an hour, a pay freeze for current wo...

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at$t Inc. Xmas Present For 38 Legacy T Members!

Download Diane Bradley, at$t Legacy T Ass VP Labor Relations, notification letter to CWA/C&T Vice President Ralph Maly of at$t's desire to fire 38 more CWA Legacy T bargaining unit...

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AT$T, Verizon May Follow GM With Union Health Funds

"Prospects that AT&T and Verizon might follow GM and Exelon may get a boost from the negotiations between GM and the International Union of Electronic Workers-Communication Workers...

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Ramifications of Section 272 Sunset Provisions!

Download two articles regarding Quest that may help you better understand the ramifications on at$t Inc. employees after the "sunset" of Section 272 of the 1996 Telecommunications ...

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AT&T's Latest Strategy! From: Ralph Maly CWA C&T VP

"Attached for your information is a possible template for AT&T's bargaining strategy for 2009. This report reveals the company's desire to reduce the technical positions of the bar...

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CWA Customer Service Professionals Week, Oct.1-5!

Download CWA Customer Service Professionals "WE MAKE THE DIFFERENCE" flyer, in PDF format....

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09/25/07 Both Sides See a Crossroads in G.M. Strike!

"We've done a lot of things to help that company," said Ron Gettelfinger, the union's president, in a news conference shortly after the 11 a.m. strike deadline passed. "But look, t...

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Proposed Change of Local 4250 By-Laws!

Your Local 4250 Officers and Executive Board Members met on September 20, 2007. As a result of our continuous diligence to uphold our fiduciary responsibilities as ...

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CWA National - News from the Front Lines

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