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SPECIAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING - Wednesday, April 23, 2014

11 am ? 5 pm 10 S. Canal Chicago, Illinois Cafeteria 2nd Floor AGENDA Merger with CWA Local 4216

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CWA's AT$T Shareholder Recommendations April 25, 2014

Dear Members/Retirees Just received from the National office are CWA's Recommendations for the AT&T Shareholders vote. You can vote on line at www.envisionreports.c...

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Sylvia Chapman Appointed CWA Local 4250 Vice President

The Executive Board of CWA Local 4250 has voted to appoint Chief Steward/Executive Board Member Sylvia Chapman as the new Vice President, effective immediately. ...

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AT$T Legacy T SURPLUS and VTP Declaration

CWA VP Bill Bates received the following SURPLUS and VTP Announcement from Diane Bradley, Assistant VP AT$T Legacy T Labor Relations. Download PDF file below for more information ...

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AT$T Announces Layoffs in Illinois

March 14, 2014 ? Today AT&T announced to their employees represented by the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local Union 21 (IBEW 21) that 136 jobs will be cut, most...

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2014 Scheduled Legacy T - AT$T Occupational Represented VTP/Surplus Declaration Windows

The following represents the scheduled VTP/Surplus declaration windows for represented occupational employees for the year 2014. As you know, these windows are establ...

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12/17/2013- Frontier Buys AT&T Wireline and Uverse in Connecticut

Frontier Communications Corporation (FTR) announced today that it has entered into a definitive agreement with AT&T, Inc. (NYSE:T) to acquire AT&T's wireline business and statewide...

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November 19th Weber Grill 1010 N. Meacham Road Schaumburg 6:00PM Wednesday November 20th Cooper?s Hawk ? 15690 S. Harlem Ave. Orland Park ...

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AT$T Retiree Health Care Changes

The following email was received from CWA/T&T Vice-President Bill Bates: "Today, AT&T began its process for open enrollment for bargaining unit retirees. Information will ...

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CWA National - News from the Front Lines

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