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3/27/04- Bush Jokes About Iraq and No WMD!

"Nearly 600 US soldiers have been killed in this war, while thousands more have returned from Iraq with grievous wounds, hundreds having lost arms, legs or eyes, while others have ...

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3/26/04- The Wrong War! - OP-ED By: Bob Herbert

"The most compelling aspects of Richard Clarke's take on the world have less to do with the question of whether the Bush administration could somehow have prevented the September 1...

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3/25/04- Transcript of Testimony By Richard A. Clarke!

Complete transcript of testimony from former National Coordinator for Counterterrorism, National Security Council, Richard A. Clarke to the eight public hearing of the National Com...

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3/22/04- Government Accounts of 9/11 Inconsistent!

"Shortly after a passenger jet crashed into the Pentagon on September 11, 2001, Air Force General Richard Myers raced back to the military headquarters from a meeting on Capitol Hi...

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3/19/04- The Bush Doctrine Experiment, One Year Later!

"Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld talks about more schools and marketplaces in Iraq, and less terrorism. Asked on CNN's "Late Edition" if the war was worth the lives of the 564 U....

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3/19/04- "The New Pentagon Papers"

Lt. Col USAF (ret.)Karen Kwiatkowski, reveals how Defense Department extremists suppressed information and twisted the truth to drive the country to war in Iraq. Download complete ...

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3/18/04- 9-11 Commission Hearing on March 23-24, 2004!

"A central aspect of our Commission's mission is counterterrorism policy: what options senior officials considered before September 11, 2001, and what choices they made," said Comm...

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3/18/04- John Kerry's Vision For A Strong American Military!

"One year ago this week, American soldiers raced across the desert to Baghdad. Ten months ago, George Bush stood on an aircraft carrier and proclaimed "Mission Accomplished" Today,...

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3/18/04- POLL: World's Distrust of U.S. Intensified!

A year after the start of the Iraq War, anti-American views have hardened in Europe and in Muslim countries, where lopsided majorities oppose President Bush and are suspicious of h...

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3/17/04- Mistakes of Vietnam Repeated With Iraq!

This commentary first appeared in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, and is written by former U.S. Senator Max Cleland who volunteered for duty in Vietnam where he lost both of his ...

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