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Experts See Military Draft As Inevitable!

"If a new draft law is enacted, the government could start sending new recruits to military training very quickly. New recruits could be sent to boot camp within two weeks of the d...

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CWA Statement On SBC Purchase of AT$T!

Download CWA Press Release regarding SBC's proposed purchase of AT$T, in PDF format....

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Open Letter To AT$T Business Customers!

Download Flyer (PDF) to be hand-billed at the AT$T Pebble Beach Pro-Am Golf Classic this weekend by CWA Union Activists....

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AT$T To Fire 1,702 Union Workers In The USA!

On January 25, 2005, AT$T announced they will fire 1,702 Union workers in the United States. Download CWA Press Release by Ralph Maly, AT$T's notification letter to Maly and a list...

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Is Iran The Next War For The Bush Administration?

"The President's decision enables Rumsfeld to run the operations off the books, free from legal restrictions imposed on the C.I.A. Under current law, all C.I.A. covert activities o...

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WMD Hunt Ends; Bush's Spin Goes On!

"No WMD. No Social Secuity crisis. Reality does not reign in Bush's world. It's wrong that conservative columnist Armstrong Williams was paid by the administration to push pro-Bush...

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Iraq WMD Hunt is Offically Over!

President Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney and other top administration officials asserted before the U.S. invasion in March 2003 that Iraq was reconstituting its nuclear-weapons p...

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Arbitrator's Decision Finally Rendered In AT$T Conyers, Georgia Arbitration Case

We have finally received the decision in the Conyers, Georgia arbitration case. Arbitrator Harkless(aka:Heartless) informed the CWA and AT$T counsel that he has denied the grievanc...

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5,500 Soldiers Have Fled The U.S. To Avoid Iraq!

An estimated 5,500 U.S. men and women have fled to Canada since the invasion of Iraq, reflecting memories of the thousands who flooded north to avoid service in Vietnam. Download ...

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Get our Troops out of Iraq!

We need to bombard the White House our senators and representatives with the message that Saddam Hussein has fallen. Iraq is not a threat to its neighbors or us. There are no weapo...

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CWA National - News from the Front Lines

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