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CWA and Cingular Tentative Agreement!

After nearly three months of negotiations with Cingular Wireless a tentative agreement has been reached. Download a Summary of the 2005 Proposed Contract at Cingular Wireless in PD...

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AT$T's Dorman Tells Union Workers To F--- Off!

CWA has never been opposed to a merger where our members' jobs are protected but without assurances for the future we are forced to take these actions. Obviously, if is ok for the ...

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THE LUCKY ONES! By: Nancy Gibbs, Time On-Line

As of last week, just over 1,500 U.S. Military personnel had died in Iraq and 11,285 had been wounded. In this war, unlike battles past, only 16% of injuries were caused by gunshot...

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Support Our Troops By Bringing Them Home Now!

President Bush just told reporters that he has no intention of setting any timetable for withdrawal. "Our troops will come home when Iraq is capable of defending herself." Download...

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Bush's Crumbling Coalition - "Bring 'Em Home!"

"Two years after the U.S.-led invasion toppled Saddam Hussein, the coalition is unraveling amid mounting casualties and kidnappings that have stoked anti-war sentiment and sapped l...

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Saturday, March 19, 2005 - Global Day of Protest!

March 19, 2005 is the 2nd anniversary of the Bush War in Iraq. Join the Global Day of Protest in your area. Download PDF flyer from

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Global Opinion - The Spread of Anti-Americanism!

"Anti-Americanism is deeper and broader now than any time in modern history. It is most acute in the Muslim world, but it spans the globe from Europe to Asia, from South America to...

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U.S. Death Toll In Iraq Reaches 1,500!

A grim milestone was passed in Iraq today when a US Marine was killed in action south of Bagdad - the 1,500th American soldier to lose his/her life since the invasion. Download com...

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AT$T To Fire 1,702 CWA Union Workers!

I apologize for the delay in this posting as I was out of the country. Download AT$T notification letter to CWA, job titles and locations of CWA members to be fired on March 25, 20...

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SBC Chief -AT$T Deal Essential In New Telecom Era!

"Somebody has to put this back together again because it's a vital industry. We ought to have a big global world carrier too. So that's what we're trying to do." Download complete ...

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CWA National - News from the Front Lines

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