News and Views
AT$T VTP Offer of October 15, 2002.Close of VTP Election Period is 5 PM ET October 29th and the Off-Payroll Date is November 15, 2002 - 10/21/02
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Notice of Election For the Offices of CWA Local 4250 President/Delegate, Vice-President and Secretary/Treasurer. Ballots are being mailed on Monday, October 14, 2002. DEADLINE to Return Ballots is 11:59 PM, Monday, October 28, 2002. All valid ballots to b
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CWA Local 4250 - Workers' Compensation Attorneys - 10/02/02
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In the new economy, workplace security and working one job for an entire career are truly anachronisms. Maybe an IT workers union sounds like one too. Or maybe not. Its an important question we will be talking about here at TechsUnite - 09/29/02
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The Local 4250 Election Committee will conduct an election by mail ballot of all contested offices during the month of October. Contested offices are: President/Delegate, Vice-President and Secretary/Treasurer. Nominees are: - 09/26/02
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"Seniority - A Basic Tenet of Unionism" - A Request for your Help - 09/25/02
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Pursuant to our Bylaws, a Special Membership Meeting will be held for the purpose of Nominations of Officers and Executive Board Members. The meeting will be on Wednesday, September 25, 2002 at 806 North Dearborn Street (Lower Level) at 5:15 PM Sharp - 9/
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SHHHHHH!! It's a SECRET!! - 9/17/02
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The AT$T Family Care Development Fund, a joint project of CWA, IBEW and AT$T, is sponsoring a teleconference call on September 18, 2002 from 1:00PM to 2:00PM Eastern Time entitled "understanding Depression in Older Adults." I encourage our AT$T members to
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NEWS FLASH! - Delegates attending the 35th Biennial Convention of the Illinois AFL-CIO voted unanimously to adopt my resolution to Abolish the H-1B Visa Program on Friday, September 6, 2002.
Delegates attending the 35th Biennial Convention of the Illinois AFL-CIO voted unanimously to adopt my resolution to Abolish the H-1B Visa Program on Friday, September 06, 2002.
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CWA National - News from the Front Lines