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CWA Local 4250 - Workers' Compensation Attorneys - 10/02/02

The file is in Microsoft Word format and is 24kb....

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"Seniority - A Basic Tenet of Unionism" - A Request for your Help - 09/25/02

The file is in Microsoft Word format and is 21kb....

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SHHHHHH!! It's a SECRET!! - 9/17/02

The file is in Microsoft Word format and is 24kb....

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NEWS FLASH! - Delegates attending the 35th Biennial Convention of the Illinois AFL-CIO voted unanimously to adopt my resolution to Abolish the H-1B Visa Program on Friday, September 6, 2002.

Delegates attending the 35th Biennial Convention of the Illinois AFL-CIO voted unanimously to adopt my resolution to Abolish the H-1B Visa Program on Friday, September 06, 2002.

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CWA National - News from the Front Lines

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