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Get our Troops out of Iraq!

We need to bombard the White House our senators and representatives with the message that Saddam Hussein has fallen. Iraq is not a threat to its neighbors or us. There are no weapo...

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Nine More American Troops Killed In Iraq!

A roadside bomb killed seven U.S. soldiers in northwest Bagdad and two marines were killed in western Iraq on Thursday, the deadliest day for American forces since a suicide attack...

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Illinois A Phone Company Defector!

Illinois has advantages that made the shift attractive, said Tony Daniels, deputy director of the state's bureau of communications and computer services. The state was a data pione...

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A Life Wasted! By: Paul E. Schroeder

"Though it hurts, I believe that his death -- and that of the other Americans who have died in Iraq -- was a waste. They were wasted in a belief that democracy would grow simply by...

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US Rep. Murtha Wouldn't Join Military Now!

Rep. John Murtha, a key Democratic voice who favors pulling U.S. troops from Iraq, said in remarks airing on Monday that he would not join the U.S. military today. A decorated Viet...

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Happy New Year From Local 4250!

External link for a New Year message from CWA Local 4250....

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Families Pay The Price! By: Bob Herbert

"If the human stakes were understood well enough by the political leaders of this country, it might make them a little more reluctant to launch foolish, unnecessary and ultimately ...

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Happy New Year To AT$Ts Maximino Ancira!

Download a Local 4250 News Year's Toast to AT$T Manager Maximino Ancira in PDF format....

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A Peaceful and Blessed Christmas To All!

Link to Christmas greetings from CWA Local 4250, Chicago....

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Mosel Attack Worries Military Experts!

"We have few choices: We can maintain the status quo while trying to build an Iraqi government that will survive, WE CAN GET THE HELL OUT NOW and leave them to kill themselves, or ...

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