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CWA Local 4250 / CTU #16 Retired Members' Chapter Dues for 2021

Dear RMC 210 Members:


 If you haven't already, please submit your $12.00 Retired Members’ Chapter annual dues for the 2021 calendar year (January 1, 2021 thru December 31, 2021). Personal checks should be made payable to: CWA Local 4250 RMC and,


Mail To:


CWA Local 4250 RMC 210
18229 Burnham Avenue

 Lansing, IL 60438



RMC, dues paying members, receive periodic retiree news updates from the CWA National Retired Members’ Council. Also, Local 4250/CTU #16 RMC members receive retiree news updates via email in addition to access to the Local Website. If you are a dues paying RMC member and do not have access to the page, contact me and provide me with your email address at [email protected] of Rita Godwin at [email protected] .



The officers of your RMC wish you and your family a Happy, Healthy and ProsperousYear.



In Unity-Strength & Solidarity: 



Anese B. Nutall, President CWA Local 4250/CTU # 16 RMC
Rita J.Godwin, Secretary/Treasurer CWA Local 4250/CTU #16 RMC



CC: Sylvia Chapman, President CWA Local 4250/CTU #16

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