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Building Power for Our Future Communications Workers of America 77th Convention July 29-31, 2019 • Las Vegas, Nevada

Building Power for Our Future Communications Workers of America 77th Convention

July 29-31, 2019 • Las Vegas, Nevada

Plan to Kill Union Sectors Prompts Concerns Over Future of CWA

Three of union’s seven sectors slated to be dissolved

  • The Printing, Publishing, and Media Workers Sector—one of the sectors slated for elimination—went so far as to launch a lawsuit against the union. The PPMWS leadership alleged the CWA was breaching the terms of a merger agreement with its plans to dissolve the sector. It sought to compel arbitration over the changes.

  • That lawsuit was quickly withdrawn after the head of the PPMWS was suspended by CWA President Chris Shelton six days after the complaint was filed.

  • Lisa Bolton, the head of the Telecommunications and Technologies Sector—which is also targeted for elimination—sent a brief letter to her sector’s local presidents and staff June 7 hinting at disapproval of the recommended changes.

  • “We are aware of the Constitution Committee’s preliminary report,” Bolton wrote. “We respect the democratic process; the Convention is the highest authority in our Union. Our work is valuable and we believe there is a clear misunderstanding of the scope of the work done in our office.”

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