JOB KILLER Nokia Is killing Jobs And Putting Our Retirement Security And Healthcare At Risk. Target: President Trump and Congress
Nokia Is killing Jobs And Putting Our
Retirement Security And Healthcare At Risk.
Tell Trump: Don't Reward Job-Killing Nokia Corporation With Government Contracts
As Nokia seeks access to 5G business opportunities and government contracts in the U.S., the company is trying to eliminate U.S. telecommunications installers by outsourcing good jobs to other nations and less-skilled contractors and terminating its own highly skilled workforce. These actions will cause U.S. workers to lose their jobs and place the health and security of tens of thousands of retirees at risk.
Union members at Nokia provide customers with the professional, reliable, and quality service they deserve. Driving to a low cost model that cuts corners on a trained, experienced workforce could detrimentally affect national security and jeopardize the quality secure networks that customers rely on.
As Communications Workers of America members continue to bargain with Nokia, we know that a fair deal is achievable that allows Nokia to invest in the United States, keep its long-standing installer workforce, and maintain quality of service for customers.
Please sign our petition to demand the federal government not do business with companies that kill U.S. jobs and put healthcare and retirement at risk for thousands of workers and retirees.
Please Sign & Share Our Petition Here: https://bit.ly/2KDUMJV
Communications Workers of America, AFL-CIO, CLC.
501 3rd Street NW, Washington, DC 20001