Support American Workers Working With AT$T
As of April 14th, 14,000 CWA members in the Midwest and at Legacy T units across the country have worked one year without a contract with AT$T.
That is over 25 million working hours of uncertainty as to what our futures may be. Over 25 million hours working without a wage increase. Over 25 million hours not knowing if we will be able to provide for our families. Over 25 million hours of one of America's most profitable corporations trying to push through a contract that raises our healthcare costs while not addressing job security. Over 25 million hours fighting for a fair contract as we've watched AT$T continue to layoff our co-workers, close down call centers and contract out work, including to overseas vendors.
AT$T received over $21 billion dollars from the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017. Company CEO Randall Stephenson pushed hard for lower corporate taxes and pledged that for every billion dollars of investment AT$T would create 7,000 good jobs. Despite that promise AT$T has since closed seven call centers in Michigan, Wisconsin, Indiana, Connecticut and New York, and eliminated over 12,000 jobs across the country. The company has refused during contract negotiations to divulge where those jobs have gone and what has been done with the colossal tax windfall.
CWA President Chris Shelton testified in front of the House Ways and Means Committee on the effect of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, calling out AT$T specifically for not using the tax cuts as intended to help America's working families. Shelton continues to speak out and call upon AT$T to do the right thing by its workers and bargain fair contracts.
Shelton is calling for hearings on what corporations like AT$T have done with the money from the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017. He’s demanding corporations be held accountable for their promises to the American people.
We need your help holding AT$T to their promises of job creation and wage growth for American workers. Join us to demand hearings to examine the impact of the tax law on corporate profits, wages, job creation and offshoring. Sign the Good Jobs at AT$T petition and tell Congress to investigate what has been done with the tax cut money at InvestigateATT.org. It’s time for AT$T to live up to its promises and bargain a fair contract with the 14,000 American workers who have struggled over 25 million hours waiting for the company to keep its promises.
Video CWA Telecommunications and Technologies Vice President Lisa Bolton: #Over25MillionHours
Video CWA District 4 Vice President Linda L. Hinton: #Over25MillionHours
Video CWA President Chris Shelton: #Over25MillionHours
In Unity There Is Strength:
Liz VanDerWoude, Presiden
CWA Local 4250/CTU#16