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A Special Alliance Board of Trustees Meeting Is Scheduled For September 10, 2018

July 31, 2018
To:         All Alliance Eligible Participants

From:    Ken Saether, CWA Assistant to Vice President.

Re: Alliance Training Services

As you know, we are still in the bargaining process for a successor contract with AT&T and The Alliance is a valuable benefit for our members. The funding of the Alliance is a Mandatory Subject of Bargaining and, during the course of our negotiations, we have passed proposals but have not come to an agreement on this issue. The Company insists they can provide better training for less money and have argued to eliminate The Alliance over the duration of this contract.

The Union has argued that The Alliance has and will continue to be a valuable training resource for our members. It has been a very successful program and many of our members have received certifications which have yielded more income for them.

Effective April 14, 2018 AT&T/CWA Alliance funding ceased. Unfortunately, with the protracted bargaining and the subsequent lack of funding, training services will be curtailed.

Due to AT&T being the majority Stakeholder Company this could potentially have an impact on class availability for the other Stakeholder participants as well. Please check the Alliance website at for class availability. We regret any inconvenience this may cause.

At a recent Alliance board meeting AT&T refused to approve the Fiscal 2019 (October 1, 2018 - September 30, 2019) budget. A Special Alliance Board of Trustees meeting is scheduled for September 10, 2018, where CWA will again address the funding issues.

We really encourage the members to mobilize around this issue and let the Company know that we are not going to stand by while they try to monopolize the Alliance Board. We feel they are misusing their seat on the board. AT&T’s charge as a trustee is to look out for the Alliance, not hold the program hostage.


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