IBEW Union Local 21 In Solidarity With CWA During AT&T Negotiations
Solidarity at AT&T
April 14, 2015
The Communication Workers of America (CWA) is in negotiations with AT&T to reach new agreements for employees working in the CWA Midwest region and in the CWA Legacy T Agreement. Their contracts with AT&T expired on Saturday, April 11, 2014. During negotiations AT&T management proposed language to gut many of the wage, heath care and pension items in their current agreements.
According to today’s CWA bargaining update: “With positive movement taking place at the table, the Midwest Bargaining team has made the decision not to extend the 2012 AT&T Midwest CBA and continue working and bargaining without a contract. The Company will need to prove to the bargaining team that productive talks will continue on the path towards a fair agreement.”
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers System Council T-3 (SCT-3) Chairman Paul Wright has been in contact with CWA representatives and has assured them they have our support during these tough negotiations.
Wear Red!
While these negotiations do not directly affect AT&T employees represented by the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers System Council T-3 we do stand in solidarity with the CWA.
We are asking IBEW members working for AT&T to wear RED every Thursday until the CWA contract negotiations are settled. It is important that all of us take an active role to assist our Sisters and Brothers today because their fight may be our fight when it is time to renegotiate our contracts.
Picket Lines
CWA may begin various job actions. We would like to remind all IBEW members that good union members DO NOT cross picket lines.
For information regarding picket lines please review the protections you have in the articles and appendixes in your collective bargaining agreement. The AT&T contract can be found here. If you have any other questions please contact your IBEW steward. A complete list of IBEW 21 representatives can be found by clicking here.
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