THE CLOCK IS TICKING! - CWA/AT$T Legacy T & Legacy S (Midwest) Contracts Expire @ 11:59PM Saturday April 11, 2015!
Our Contract Expires Saturday, April 11th at 11:59 PM
We are still far apart on benefits, pensions, absence, disability, retiree issues and job security. If we don’t reach an agreement by Saturday night several possibilities are open to us. We can:
- Stop the clock (push the expiration time back by a few hours or 1-2 days, continue negotiations)
- Extend the contract to an agreed-upon date (usually days or weeks)
- Work without a contract
- Strike
Your Bargaining Team will be working hard to get us all a fair Contract. We need your help to do that. We will be updating the bargaining reports as often as we can so STAY INFORMED.
What can you do? Most important – ramp up mobilization. Prepare for a strike. If we do not go out on strike there can be NO BUSINESS AS USUAL. Follow your Local Mobilizers’ instructions on what actions you should take.
Keep informed. Go to www.cwaatatt.com