Welcome To The CWA Local 4250/CTU #16 RMC ! You Must Be A RMC Member To Obtain Access To The "Exclusive Retiree Content" Area Of This Website. All CWA Retirees Are Welcome To Join!
Dear CWA Local 4250/CTU #16 Retirees:
Only dues paying members of Local 4250/CTU #16 RMC can access the Local Website’s RMC Members’ Page “Exclusive Retiree Content Area.” A user name and password are required for access. Local RMC members also receive periodic news updates via email. By working together through your RMC, we can help increase CWA’s bargaining power with our employers and clout in Congress as we fight to protect our retirement and health care security.
Can any of us truly feel financially secure when we retire? Will we continue to get health care benefits from our employers? Will our pensions continue to be safe? Will Social Security and Medicare be protected or cut back and privatized? Corporations worldwide are greedily grabbing back benefits which the CWA and other unions have attained over many years of hard won contracts. We need your help to build a strong Local 4250/CTU #16 Retired Members’ Chapter to fight back against this unprecedented corporate greed.
We in the RMC serve as guardians of the benefits that we worked hard to achieve in negotiations with our employers at the bargaining table, on picket lines and through legislation in Congress, State and Local levels of government. Together, we must take on those who view retired workers as expendable liabilities.
We encourage you to join with us. Please complete a Local 4250/CTU #16 RMC membership application form and return it to the Local union office with your $12.00 annual dues. To join our Chapter, download/Print the RMC application located on the right side of this page. Scroll down right side of page and JOIN US TODAY! OR, Download RMC Application Below.
In Unity-Strength & Solidarity:
Steve Tisza, President CWA Local 4250/CTU #16 RMC
PS: If You Are A CWA Lifetime Member, And Your Former CWA Local Does Not Have An RMC, You Are More Than Welcome To Join The Local 4250/CTU #16 RMC
cc: Liz VanDerWoude, President
CWA Local 4250/CTU #16