CWA-AT$T Legacy T Bargaining Report #32
Bargaining Report #32 - April 10, 2012Our Bargaining Team met with the Company today and held some discussions on Health Care, and reviewed information on the increased cost to our members of the Company?s current proposal. Following that, we met in subcommittee on absence, Incentive Plans, quota relief, Leverage Titles, working conditions in the consumer sales center and the CNSCs.
We are still far apart but we are still talking.
We need to continue our activities on the job ? working carefully, safely and following the Company?s processes. We also need to reach out to our allies in our communities, those who understand we are fighting for a reasonable standard of living that is the hope of the great majority of Americans. Battles with companies like AT&T cannot be won by us alone. You know AT&T has all its powerful allies cheering them on ? hoping AT&T will be an example of how to lower costs on the backs of their employees. Our power is on the job and reaching out to the millions of people just like us