420 Bills Passed by House Got No Senate Attention
During the (Current) 111th Congress, House members have expended enormous amounts of manpower and resources to craft, debate and pass 420 bills that the Senate has essentially ignored, according to a list released by Speaker Nancy Pelosi?s office.One of those is the ?Paycheck Fairness Act? (H.R. 12) that was one of the first pieces of legislation approved in the House when the new Congress convened in 2009. It won by a vote of 256 to 163. According to sponsor Rep. Rose DeLauro, D-Conn., it will help promote pay equity for women.
?In this economy, families are struggling to make ends meet. Not one of them deserves to be shortchanged, but because women still earn 78 cents for every dollar men earn, many unfortunately are,? said DeLauro.
Languishing bills
Other languishing bills include the Postal Service Financial Relief Act, the Elder Abuse Victims Act and the National Bombing Prevention Act.
To put the issue into perspective, some of the 420 stalled bills include routine measures like namin