Labor Day, September 6, 2010!
Dear Member/Retiree:When I was young, Labor Day meant the end of summer and the beginning of school. There was to be no more lazy days of fun and games.
I see Labor Day differently now.
The current economic crisis has stricken many of our Brothers and Sisters who have been laid off, seen their offices closed or idled, their hours cut and homes in foreclosure. Anxieties reign, but let us remember that progress has always been made by people like us, working people working together& We, Union Brothers and Sisters are the Labor Movement.
Today, after 27 years as a Union member and Officer, every Labor Day means a beginning, a new day for the Labor Movement. Let us never forget the past generation of Labor leaders who forged and lighted the path to protecting Middle Class Americans. Let us honor each other, the hard working members of our great Nation and builders of our children and grandchildren's future.
Let us celebrate together, and tell our families, our friends, our neighbors - this Labor D