CWA Local 1298 Wins Again- Judge Rules in Our Favor for T-Shirts!
CWA Local 1298 has won again. AT&T in their arrogance has violated the law, and Steven Fish, Administrative Law Judge, for the National Labor Relations Board, ruled in our favor. CWA filed charges in October and went to court in February because our members were disciplined for wearing their AT&T Prisoner Shirts to work. This monumental victory supports the concerted activities that our members participated in during bargaining that are protected by the National Labor Relations Act.We thank all the members who participated by wearing their AT&T Prisoner T-Shirts to work and refusing to take them off. Thank you to all the local member activists who wore their shirts to work, the members who testified as witnesses, CWA District 1 attorneys, Gabrielle Semel and Josh Pomeranz for their help in winning this victory. This is another example of the support received by District 1 Vice President, Chris Shelton, Assistant to the Vice President, Dennis Trainor and National Representative Pat Telesco.
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