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Deployment in Iraq Costs AT$T Employee

The following article is from the CWA District 9 AT$T Bargaining Update Website: "CWA member and Marine Corporal Jordan Eash was a star speaker last Friday at the big rally held in Los Angeles, both at the Town Hall at Union Station with Hilda Solis before a standing room only crowd, and again in front of AT&T's S. Olive office. Brother Eash returned from 2 tours in Iraq, finished school, and got a term job with AT&T. When he was recalled to active duty, AT&T counted his time in Iraq against his term. "I was recalled for a year, and when I got back home I had about 6 months left on my contract. And the Company pretty much said they are not going to hire me back and they'd do nothing for me," Eash told the stunned audience, which promptly erupted into a round of boos for AT&T.
We have a lot of reasons to be angry and disgusted with AT&T, but this is a prime example of what AT&T has become, and how it treats its workforce.
We owe thanks to Cpl. Eash for telling his story and showing the public what he, and al

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