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AT$T "Legacy T" Bargaining Report #26

Bargaining resumed today with the Union going line-by-line through the Company's final proposal. Over and over again, they were either unable or unwilling to answer our questions on why they made various proposals and what it would take to get them to reconsider. Over and over they denied our proposals because they wanted to. For example, they eliminated our Academic Awards Program and are replacing it with an award that is $20,000 less (over four years) and is being given to fewer people. The Company bargainers would not even admit that their proposal was a diminishment of a benefit! Talking to a wall would get us better answers than we are getting across this bargaining table.
We are currently waiting for the Company to return to the table to continue bargaining this evening. Keep up the pressure out there; that is the only thing that might move this bargaining along. Download report in PDF format.

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