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Obama Endorsement Resolution Approved by CWA Board for CWA Convention!

"The differences between Senator Obama and the presumptive Republican nominee, Arizona Senator John McCain, could not be more clear-cut," the resolution states. "It is the choice between fundamental change for the better for working Americans or four more years of policies that favor the rich, that ship jobs overseas, that thwart the rights of workers to organize and bargain contracts, that leave health care decisions to the whims of insurance companies, that attempt, again, to privatize Social Security. And the list goes on."
Obama has repeatedly pledged to support and sign the Employee Free Choice Act, telling the AFL-CIO convention in April that, "It's time we had a president who didn't choke saying the word, 'union.' A president who knows it's the Department of Labor and not the Department of Management. And a president who strengthens our unions by letting them do what they do best " organize our workers."
McCain not only voted against the Employee Free Choice Act, he has a track record of supporting a

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