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An Open MessageTo AT$T!

On June 3rd you will begin bargaining with our Sisters and Brothers who work at AT$T Mobility over their Health Care Plan benefits. We want you to remember one thing: This is NOT an isolated negotiation! Every CWA member, in every CWA Local, in every AT$T Company will know if you try to attack the members of our family who work in the fastest growing part of AT$T. Just because they are some of our newest members and just because this bargaining process is different - MAKE NO MISTAKE - we are all supporting them and we have long memories!

We consider these negotiations just "Act One" of the Contract fight we will all be waging in 2009. We stand behind our Sisters and Brothers in Mobility 100% and shame on you, AT$T, if you put outrageous demands on these workers while you rake in huge profits quarter after quarter. When you sit down at this bargaining table, remember you are not sitting across from the members from AT$T Mobility alone. You are sitting across the table from all of us who work at AT$T an
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