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Winding Route Up Union's Ladder!

Richard Berg seemed to have won a local's presidency election, despite having no job. "Berg voiced confidence that he would be declared the winner as calls were flooding in from friends and well-wishers. He said both sides knew about the mistaken date on the ballots. Last week Berg was mostly thinking about what he would do when he takes over in January. One of his first moves, he said, would be to slash the president's salary of $159,000. "Who deserves that much money?" he asked.
Should Berg prevail he will be at the helm of a union local that has shrunk nearly in half, falling from a membership of more than 23,000 a decade or so ago to just over 12,000 today." Over that time many of the local's members have lost their jobs due to consolidation; most work in hospitals, nursing homes, small factories, insurance offices and clerical jobs at several universities, among them Chicago State University, Governors State University and the University of Chicago. Download entire article by Stephen Franklin Chicago Tr
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