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Bill Moyers: "Buying The War" Exposes The Media's Failure To Do Their Job!

"In some quarters, this week is set aside as turn off your TV Week. Beyond the fact that its a silly enterprise - Pick and choose, people! Pick and choose! - there is one important offering on the nonfiction front that should not be missed. If we could retroactively pull the plug, say during the saturation coverage of the Anna Nicole Smith saga, that might have been a good week to skip the tube. But - do-gooders take note - this week a devastating 90-minute documentary should be required viewing. This is the kind of work television can do brilliantly when given time and resources and the talents of a questioner like Bill Moyers. A point-by-point explanation of how the media failed the public en route to the war in Iraq is carefully assembled and patiently related Wednesday by Moyers on PBS." Download entire article in PDF format with live link to find when it will be broadcast in your area.

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