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"The New GOP Betrays America" By: Diane Alden

"The only shortage that exists is decency among the elite like Gates and Greenspan and the Beltway morons of both parties. They are expanding work and student visas and the caps at this very moment. The caps they put on them are a charade. The caps are about as tight as 25-year-old elastic on a pair of size 26 women's shorts."
Expect the cretins in both parties, along with the Bush White House, to expand the visa system even more. They will create a never-ending supply of foreign students that universities demand as well as scientists and engineers replacing our own.
There is no shortage of scientists and engineers at the moment. Considering that unemployment among U.S.-born engineers is high, the shortage exists in their pea brains and the corporations who want quality on the cheap.
Haven't you figured it out yet? We are of the corporation, by the corporation, for the corporation.
Trade treaties like CAFTA and FTAA add even more visas to the pile in the great American sell-off. America for sale ? che

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