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Legislative/Political Links
Contacting Your Members Of Congress And US Senate
Directory For The 116th Congress
Find Out How Your Senators And Congressman Voted!
Your senators and congressional representative had dozens of chances to cast their votes for/against working families over the past year. Access your individual member of congress' AFL-CIO voting record here!
CWA Legislative/Political Issues
Stay Informed on The Issues You care About.
Contact Your Illinois State Legislators
Welcome To The Website For The Illinois General Assembly.
Contact Your Indiana State Legislators
Welcome To The Website For The Indiana General Assembly.
Contact Your Wisconsin State Legislators
Welcome To The Website For The Wisconsin General Assembly.
Members of U. S. House of Representatives India Caucus
The largest caucus of its kind in the U. S. Congress was formed in 1993. One of their objectives is to push India's economic agenda on the hill. Click on to check if your Congressperson is a member of the caucus. If Yes, WRITE and object to the H-1B Visa Program and OFFSHORE OUTSOURCING OF AMERICAN JOBS!
Members of U.S. Senate Caucus on India and Indian Americans
This is the first time in the history of the US Senate that a country-focused caucus has been constituted and announcing its formation was the driving force behind the move Senator John Cornyn, a Republican Senator from Texas who had visited India.Click on to check if your U.S. Senator is a member of the caucus. If Yes, WRITE and object to the H-1B Visa Program and OFFSHORE OUTSOURCING OF AMERICAN JOBS!
The Court’s Website has a new look and improved functionality. The reorganized menu and new, horizontal format make navigating the site easier and more efficient. Some of the most frequently requested information will now be available directly on the site’s homepage, including the transcripts and audio for the most recent oral arguments, and information for planning a visit to the Court.
LabourStart ActNOW NewsWire
Where Trade Unionists Start Their Day On The Net
Public Citizen Trade Data Center
Here you can explore data resources that illustrate the impact of trade policy on jobs, the environment, and your community.
CPI Inflation Calculator Bureau of Labor Statistics
The CPI inflation calculator uses the average Consumer Price Index for a given calendar year. This data represents changes in prices of all goods and services purchased for consumption by urban households.
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB)
We aim to make consumer financial markets work for consumers, responsible providers, and the economy as a whole. We protect consumers from unfair, deceptive, or abusive practices and take action against companies that break the law. We arm people with the information, steps, and tools that they need to make smart financial decisions.
CWA has launched "Speed Matters"--one of the most important public issue campaigns in our history. This effort has the potential to boost the economy, bring high speed Internet to rural and urban America and create thousands of quality union jobs. We've created a dynamic website which will be a clearinghouse for information on the potential for change and the challenges we face. The site features a tool that allows you see how your Internet connection speed compares to others in your area and around the wo
Mark Fiore's Animated Political Cartoons
Pulitzer Prize-winner, Mark Fiore, who the Wall Street Journal has called “the undisputed guru of the form,” creates animated political cartoons in San Francisco, where his work has been featured on the San Francisco Chronicle’s web site, SFGate.com, for over ten years.
CWA National - News from the Front Lines