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CWA AT$T Legacy T & CWA District 4 AT$T Midwest Were Unable To Reach An Agreement By Expiration So We Will Work Without A Contract Until Further Notice.


April 14, 2018 11:20PM

Brothers and Sisters,

We were unable to reach an agreement by expiration so we will work without a contract until further notice.Let the Company know loud and clear it is time to agree to a fair and just contract.

Remember, the Company’s net profit in 2017 was $29.3 billion. That equates to $80,273,972 a day, including holidays (that’s like you winning the Powerball every day of the year).

In Unity,

Your CWA Legacy T Bargaining Committee

Ken Saether
Mary Ellen Mazzeo
Roy Hegenbart
LaNell Piercy
Mike Lewis
Cindy Neumeyer

CWA/AT&T Midwest Bargaining Report #36 (1:00 a.m. EDT)

April 15, 2018

At this time, CWA District 4 and AT&T have not reached a new agreement. We will be working without a contract effective at 12:00 AM CDT, Sunday, April 15th.We are still FAR from resolving a multitude of issues that must be addressed before a tentative agreement can be presented.The CWA team is currently headed back to meet with the Company at this time.

It’s time for mobilization activities to really heat up!!

No Contract…No Peace!

In Solidarity,

Your CWA District 4 Bargaining Team

Curt Hess
Tina Culver
Dan Frazier
Kim Gallardo
Tim Strong
Greg Tennyson
Jay Walther
Ron Gay
Mike Handley

Working Without A Contract:

If members continue to work without a contract, tactics such as work to rule, product boycotts and public campaigns can increase pressure on the employer and keep the strike option alive. When working without a contract, MOST of the provisions of the previous contract are still in effect, and they can’t change working conditions. It is called status quo.

This is an option where certain types of short duration strike actions are allowed. 
Unfair Labor Practice (ULP) strikes can happen if the company makes changes without bargaining with the Union, such as changes in working conditions. The Local or National CWA can file charges at the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) and the members can walk off the job as a means of protesting the company’s actions.

Grievance strikes can happen because at expiration, we no longer have arbitration rights. An Arbitrator is a neutral third party to whom we can take our grievances when we have an active contract and can’t resolve the issue after meeting with multiple levels of Company managers and Labor Relations. A grievance strike is a short-term strike lead by the members as a means of drawing attention to the issue with the intent to apply pressure and resolve the grievance.

In Unity There Is Strength:

Liz VanDerWoude, President
CWA Local 4250/CTU #16

 CWA Press Release
Contracts Covering 14,000 Workers at AT&T Midwest and Legacy Expire

Sunday, April 15, 2018

The 14,000 workers at AT&T Midwest and AT&T Legacy T, members of the Communications Workers of America, will continue working even though their contracts have expired. The AT&T Midwest agreement expired at 11:59 pm CT on Saturday. The AT&T Legacy T contract expired at 11:59 ET on Saturday.

“Our members remember the big promises that AT&T CEO Randall Stephenson made if the corporate tax cut bill passed, and now we’re holding AT&T to those promises,” said CWA District 4 Vice President Linda L. Hinton. “Our bargaining team is committed to negotiating a fair contract that keeps good family-supporting jobs with affordable health care and a secure retirement in our communities. AT&T should not underestimate CWA members. They are ready to do whatever it takes to get a fair contract with AT&T Midwest, including going on strike if we aren't able to make progress at the bargaining table.”

“The concessions that AT&T is demanding are insulting,” Vice President of Telecommunications & Technologies Lisa Bolton said. “AT&T made nearly $30 billion in profits last year, and is reaping major benefits from the passage of the corporate tax cut bill. They can afford to keep good family-supporting jobs in our communities instead of laying off workers and sending their work to low-wage contractors. Our members have overwhelmingly authorized a strike if necessary, and that is still an option.”

The AT&T Midwest contract covers workers in Ohio, Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, and Wisconsin, while the Legacy T contract covers workers nationwide.


Amy Fetherolf

(202) 434-1168

Beth Allen

(202) 434-1168


*As Negotiations Continue, Read The Latest Bargaining Reports From CWA District 4 And AT$T Midwest here, And Updates From CWA Legacy T And AT$T here.

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