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CWA Local 4250/CTU#16 General Membership Meeting & CWA Local 4250 RMC Membership Meeting. Saturday October 14, 2017. Agenda Includes Nominations/Election of Local 4250 Officers/Delegates and Chief Steward/ Executive Board Members

September 28, 2017

To: All CWA Local 4250 Dues Paying Members, In Good Standing

Pursuant to the CWA Constitution and Local 4250 By-Laws, as amended on January 7, 2015, a General Membership Meeting will be conducted on Saturday, October 14,2017.The agenda will include nominations and elections of Local 4250 Officers/Delegates and Chief Steward/ Executive Board Members. The sequence of nominations and elections shall be as follows:

Vice-President Telecommunications and Technologies/Delegate
Vice-President Printing, Publishing and Media Workers/Delegate
One (1) Chief Steward / Executive Board Member (T&T)
One (1) Chief Steward / Executive Board Member (PPMWS)
One (1) Chief Steward / Executive Board Member (ProCom)

Only members of the Local in good standing shall be eligible to vote or hold office.  Officer/Delegate or Executive Board Member shall be qualified to take office unless he/she meets the qualifications and requirements set forth in the Local By-Laws, CWA Constitution or any State or Federal law.

The term of office shall be for three (3) years. All nominees and nominators must be members in good standing. Any member nominating a candidate for the ExecutiveBoard must be from the same office as the candidate being nominated.

If you are unable to attend the nominations meeting, but wish to place the name of a member in nomination, you may do so in writing. It should be addressed to the Chairperson of the Election Committee at CWA Local 4250, 3055 Glenwood-Dyer Road, Lynwood, Illinois, 60411 and received by the Chair no later than October 13, 2017 prior to the General Membership Meeting.

In Unity, Strength and Solidarity:
Steve Tisza, Chairperson, CWA Local 4250 Election Committee

October 14, 2017
American Legion Post 1941
900 S. LaGrange Road
La Grange, Illinois
Call to Order
Roll Call
Minutes of the Last Membership Meeting
Local Financial Report
Bargaining Units Reports
Grievance Reports
Organizing Report
Retired Members' Chapter Report
Nominations/ Elections Local Officers & Executive Board
Good and Welfare


In Unity, Strength and Solidarity:
Liz VanDerWoude, President                                           Steve Tisza, President
CWA Local 4250/CTU #16                                               CWA Local 4250/CTU #16RMC


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