AT$T Tech Blew The Whistle On NSA Spying - in 2006 - By: Jenny Brown, Labor Notes
"Many are shocked by the indiscriminate U.S. government spying revealed by Edward Snowden, the contract employee who blew the whistle on the National Security Agency in June. We shouldn?t have been. Signs of this program stretch back more than a decade, and received plenty of media attention in 2006.Much of that attention was due to revelations by a union AT&T technician in San Francisco, Mark Klein, who noticed and documented suspicious activities at his workplace. He wrote and published a book "Wiring Up the Big Brother Machine?And Fighting It" detailing his experiences. Labor Notes interviewed him last week about what he found then, and about the new revelations." --What was your union's response?
"To my knowledge, in public my union, the Communications Workers, said and did nothing on the issue and basically took a dive. But I did get some friendly comments from a couple CWA officials when my book came out in 2009, including a nice card from an official of my former local, and a bold public statement o