CWA Moving Forward On "Ready For The Future"
CWA's union-wide campaign to improve our union's effectiveness, "Ready for the Future," is moving forward.We started this dialogue at the 2005 Convention, with the convention mandating an 11-point Ready for the Future plan. Working together, we've accomplished a lot, including a hugely successful strategic industry fund (SIF) program that has financed bold campaigns, like Speed Matters, telecom, and health care and bargaining rights. We've expanded local leader perspective on the Executive Board and built an active Stewards Army that has made a real difference.
CWA's Executive Board met February 15-16, discussed next steps and adopted recommendations that continue the work begun at our 2005 convention and address the convention mandate of the Ready for the Future resolution regarding the "right-sizing" of the Board by 2011 and the effective use of resources. These recommendations need to be acted on at the 2010 convention in order to be implemented in 2011.
Download recommendations below in PDF format.