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Locality Steward AT$T Corp.(Legacy T)10 S. Canal, Chicago

I have appointed Sylvia Chapman to the position of CWA Local 4250 Locality Steward at 10 S. Canal Street, Chicago, Illinois.

Sylvia had 27 years of service with AT$T Corp. when she was laid off by the company in June 2005. Prior to her involuntary termination by AT$T, she was a Local 4250 Job Steward and Locality Steward for many years.

Sylvia was re-called from layoff in October 2007 and has enthusiastically accepted her former position as CWA Local 4250 Locality Steward. She had served the membership admirably for many years and I believe she will do so for a lot of years in the future. I know all of you will join me in welcoming Sylvia back.

In Unity-Strength & Solidarity:

Steve Tisza, President
CWA Local 4250
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